Sunday, 8 January 2012

More than 140 Characters

Well, hello there. Just a minute. I< have to find something to make me feel more comfortable.> [bottle of water, pillow, _________ ] That's better. (music in the background- "Free Your Mind, and the Rest Will Follow")

It's kind of [weird, awkward, exhilarating]  typing something that is more than 140 characters.


There was nothing on television. The last two minutes were about how to survive a snowmobile accident in water/ice. Let's hope that never happens. [intermittent pause] I decided to write instead! ("I am dying to live" -quote by Metallica)

Confirmed. Twitter has got me wrapped up like a bow on a Christmas tree...most of the time. Today, was a special time with the dog. We used to have this 'time' every week. Today, I kept feeling like there was something I should do. Anything. Be productive. It was like I was trying to convince myself out of enjoying the day with my fluffy puppy.

Fortunately, she was full of energy. We had just a completed a 6 hr [drive, tour, ____________ ]
When she made her way to the bus stop, the bus was coming, so we hopped on. There was another little dog. He had to sit on the floor. I am certain it is not easy being a little dog.

We then took the subway to The Danforth, and got the MOST AMAZING beef souvlaki, which we shared together, at the fountain. I bought potato chips that have been made in avocado oil, special salad dressing, and bubble gum Pop Rocks. We walked westbound.

When we got to the bridge, I sang. PixietheDog loves music. I [looked, stared, ____________ ] over the DVP and sang ("I'm on the Top of the World, Looking down on creation, And the only explanation I can find, Is the love that I found ever since you've been around" by The Carpenters) Pixie wagged her tail.

It's now 1am. TV Guide used to be my favourite magazine. I'm not sure I want to subject myself to bloody crimes scenes, and survival skill stories again, so I think I'll do something else on the computer. [mumbling] Wish I brought the jigsaw puzzle.

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