Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween 2011

"Halloween, Halloween...and now a thousand years between." I'm a bit of a romantic, in that I like to recognize special dates. Okay. It goes beyond that. I am highly emotive. I celebrate birthdays of people with whom I no longer communicate. November is already taken, but if you have a birthday in December, I'd love to hear from you.

Tonight, I am at my dad's, in the Toronto area. I've just met his girlfriend which was surreal. The parenting article for the newsletter (which we published just before I got here)  was about not pushing the children of your beau to trust you immediately. For Halloween, I got to be 'the child.' I didn't get dressed up, or eat lots of candy. I was just my father's an adult.

I want to tell you something as that adult. Have you ever gone through a time where the difficulties were so bad, you kind of 'lost' yourself, and needed others to bring you back?  Some one who doesn't really know me, did that for me last night by mentioning, Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, tv show.

Last December I moved to a retirement community to cut down on expenses.The seniors are wonderful, but there is a culture adjustment with the others. I sometimes wonder how long I can stand to live there. The aforementioned show was about some satanists, and demonized seniors, and the restoration of a community via laxatives. In its halloweenish way, it put things into perspective. I can share more details later. Now, I want to take this moment at 11:45pm on Oct 31,2011 to say, Happy Halloween.

Thanks be to God who is not limited to 'religious' expression, but shows His Love in many ways.

Yours truly,


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