Thursday 17 November 2011

Ramble On

This Heintz commercial aired about ten years ago:

{A group of young guys watch a pretty lady in a restaurant}
"She's looking for the Heintz. Can't find it anywhere...looks over...sees it...she's coming over."
[shyly] "Excuse me...ummm, I can't seem to find any Heintz."
[confidently] "You're kidding. Here you can have some of mine."
[shared smiles as we notice the stack of Heintz bottles beside the guys]

 It would have been very different, if it was me.  They took all the ketchup to get my attention, and watched me the whole time.
Frolick off, would ya! I'm just trying to enjoy some fries, which is not something I often do.
If you really knew me, you would know that I am pursuing self-comfort.
I am not interested in communicating with any one!
If I had a cloak of invisibility, I would use it.

You don't know me.
That's what's so irksome.
All you know is that I go to this particular restaurant, which is a little creepy.
Were you stalking me?

The worst thing about stalkers is that they don't really care.
If they really cared, they would know that I don't eat ketchup with my fries. I use mayonnaise.

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